Thursday, September 07, 2006


Why is it that people think they must lie in order to get something done or even to make someone happy. For some reason, a lot of people think that it is ok to lie in order to make someone feel better. For example, I was contacted by a youth at my church today asking me to lie about her being at church last night. The weird part is that the lie was to say that she was NOT there. I could understand her trying to cover her tracks to say she was there when she really wasn't. (I still would not lie for her though.) The reason that she wanted me to lie was because she did not want to hurt her friend. Basically, she did not have the courage to tell her friend that she needed to come to the church to talk to another friend that was mad at her. So now she is a web of lies and is wanting to get me to lie too. She is upset that I would not lie in order to help her friendship with the other girl. I think that if she would have been truthful to begin with, she would not be in the situation she is now. This makes me really think about what other lies are we told in order to "protect" someone's feelings. Isn't it more important to be honest than to start a web of lies to cover up truth.


Blogger Justin said...

So often people say they are lying to protect someone else's feelings when they are really just thinking about themselves and don't want to confront the situation. Heck I've done it myself. If we could only just learn that it is not about us.

September 10, 2006 6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, I have a question. I was reading an article the other day about lying, it raised some interesting points. Is lying always wrong? What about when Rahab (the prostitute in Jericho) hid the spies from the Isrealites and lied about them being there. She saved their lives and protected them, and she was rewarded by God and counted as faithful? What about people that hid Jews during the Holocaust. They lied about having them hid and in effect saved them from being found and killed by the Nazis, is it wrong to lie when you are protecting innocent people from truly evil people? So what is the right answer? I know that lying is still wrong, and who knows how God would have worked in those situations if the people hadn't lied. But it is a tough situation, does the situation change the fact that you lied?

September 16, 2006 2:50 PM  

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